So you want to live the good life and be able to work from anywhere while still bringing in an income?
I think that’s everyone’s goal, but not many people will actually succeed at it. The reason is that most people won’t even try.
If you don’t start, how can you be successful? How will you even know if it will work, if you don’t give it a shot?
Most people are so afraid to take a leap of faith, set a seemingly impossible goal, or even leave something for fear of not finding anything better.
We’re programmed to stick with what is comfortable and live a mediocre life because we may not know what else is out there.
I’m here to tell you that there IS something out there that’s better for you. A way to live your best life and free yourself from the stresses of the job you’ve dreaded going to for years.
Want to know what the solution is?
Start a blog!
My first blog is a mom blog, Just Simply Mom. This blog is now earning me more than my previous full-time job with the ultimate flexibility of working in my pajamas whenever and wherever I want.
I get to write about topics that I love talking about and share my advice and experience with the world.
Ok, so if you’d heard all the hype already and are still a bit skeptical, hopefully, I can change your mind a bit. If you have no idea what blogging is, here’s the low down:
The true definition of a blog is a regularly updated site that is usually run by one person or a team of people. The content on a blog is written in an informal and conversational style and contains mostly helpful and inspirational writing.
Blogging has evolved a lot over the last couple of decades. It was once just a hobby for people to create a sort-of online journal to write their thoughts down.
Now blogs can also be very helpful and are the main source that a user would go to for information. The amount of eyes that a blogger can get on her site is in the millions because of the far reach of the internet.
Having a blog is like every perfect scenario you could envision for your life, all rolled into one. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should start a blog today and not think twice about it.
- Blogging allows you to own your own business with VERY LITTLE start-up costs.
Think about the entrepreneurs who take out a business loan for hundreds of thousands of dollars. It could take years to pay that back if they ever do!
You can start a blog for less than $4 a month with Blue Host (one of the best web hosting and domain providers). That’s not a lot of money to lose in case things didn’t go the way you planned.
You may not be thinking of a blog as a business right now, but trust me it is. You will make more money blogging than you would at most other jobs and you work for yourself!
- You just need a computer and a dream.
As opposed to many other start-up businesses where you have to buy inventory or pay overhead costs for space and staff, all you need is a standard computer and a positive mindset to get started and pretty much through the life of your business.
Of course, you may invest in things down the road, but that’s entirely up to you and not always necessary.
- Your success is ENTIRELY up to you
In a normal 9-5 job, you probably have a cap on how much you can earn. With a blog, the ceiling is endless.
You decide how much work and time you want to put in to determine how much you will make. Your income will gradually (or quickly) increase.
Once you decide that you are comfortable with the amount you’re making, your blog can essentially run on autopilot with the money still coming in. However, if you are determined to keep growing and scaling, you can work as hard as you can to get there.
- You DON’T have to sell to your friends
Who else has been approached by a long lost friend who tried to sell you a skincare product or weight loss supplement? It’s awkward and embarrassing to have to sell to your personal circles and I used to think that was the ONLY way to make money from home.
I was determined not to have to do that to maintain my dignity which is why I fell into blogging. It feels great to have started a business completely on my own where I didn’t have to get support from ANYONE else.
Have you ever wanted more time with your kids? Your husband? Your itty bitty babies?
Have you felt that pit in your stomach on Sunday night knowing that you have to wake up the next morning to do the whole rat race for another week?
Do you want to bake cookies with your kids on a Wednesday afternoon or watch Disney movies in your pj’s in bed with them until lunchtime?
Do you wish you had the flexibility and freedom to do what you want when you want, while still making an income?
You seriously can do all this with blogging!
With other money-making sources from home, you may not have the flexibility that you do with blogging. If you provide any service or get paid for an hourly basis, you must work at the times given to you.
This way of working is exchanging your time for money and that’s essentially what you do when you’re at work, instead of being at home.
Creating a blog allows you to make your own hours and schedule and work when you want to. But the big plus here is: you’re not ONLY getting paid for the hours you work.
Your blog posts are continuously earning you money while you sleep, vacation, or watch Bravo.
Since starting my blog, I have been able to stay-at-home and eliminate my grueling 2+ hour a day commute. I can spend more time with my kids and husband, be more spontaneous by planning trips and activities when I would have normally been at work, and earn a relatively passive income.
It’s been absolutely life-changing for us and I only wish I started it sooner. My hope is that everyone can get in on this business before it’s too late!
If you don’t get the point yet that starting a blog or online business is the smartest decision you could make, here are a few more reasons that you may relate to.
You should start a blog if you want to:
- work remotely from your home or travel while working
- completely design your “work” day on your own schedule
- challenge and push yourself
- learn new skills that may be completely out of your comfort zone
- change peoples lives and help people directly, all over the world
- be in direct control of your income with no ceiling
- build a passive income stream that doesn’t make you trade hours for dollars
- be an entrepreneur with very little start-up costs
- build a business around your passion or favorite hobby
- have a product you want to start building, but need an audience or following to sell it to first
Read about My Reasons For Starting a Blog here.
The #1 Truth About Blogging
I’m going to be real here. Of course, this sounds too good to be true and in some ways it is. The fantasy I’m describing doesn’t come easy.
Blogging is hard work at the beginning. There is a major learning curve to get started and a lot of time, effort, and dedication must be put in to get the ball rolling.
HOWEVER, it’s just hard in the beginning.
Once you have taken all the right steps and get your blog to a good point where you’re comfortable loosening the reins a bit, you can really step back and let the money roll in while you roll in the money.
Therefore, turning a blog into a successful business isn’t going to happen overnight. It’s not going to come from buying the website and spending 30 minutes of your lunch break on it.
You need to really work on it for the first few months if you want to see the fastest success.
Many people do fail at blogging and the reason is always that they didn’t understand the amount of effort and work it takes. This is not a get rich quick scheme if you’re not looking to put in the time.
However, if you are dedicated to it, you CAN be one of those bloggers who makes 5 figures per month blogging.
Check out the Truths About Blogging if you want the real deal.
If you’re ready to start your blog, enter your email below for my free email course to get you started or click here to get all that info right now!