The difference between a blog becoming a success or a failure is 100% the content that you write. The site design, images, and layout are not going to be what drives traffic to your site. ... READ the POST

The difference between a blog becoming a success or a failure is 100% the content that you write. The site design, images, and layout are not going to be what drives traffic to your site. ... READ the POST
So you've probably just bought your domain and web hosting, looked at the WordPress dashboard and thought to yourself, where do I even start?? It can look very intimidating at first, but I promise ... READ the POST
After following the steps in this lesson, you'll finally OWN your own website! How cool is that? I was just as new to all this technical computer/internet stuff as you are before starting my blog. ... READ the POST
What do you think of when you first hear the term blogger? Is it a busy entrepreneur? A multi-tasking, constantly-working mama? An intellectual marketer making strategy calls daily? Probably ... READ the POST
This can be one of the hardest first decisions that you have to make for your blog. The domain name for your blog is what your web address will be ( The name (or title) of your blog is ... READ the POST
So you decided to start a blog?! Yay! Exciting things are about to happen if you take this any further. Make sure you read the 7 Reasons Why I Started a Blog and Why You Should Too. This will ... READ the POST